Slim Jaw Injection

  • Slim Jaw Injection

Is there a cosmetic treatment for broad jaws?

A square jaw or a prominent lower jaw is usually viewed as a masculine feature. Though, the square jaw is considered to be a positive trait for men, it can be considered unappealing for women.

A prominent jaw line can be either congenital or developmental. Chewing gum, clenching teeth and bruxism (teeth grinding) increases the size of the chewing muscles (masseter) and manifests the jaw to look squarer.

Nonsurgical treatment is not time consuming with much less discomfort than surgical treatment. Patients can usually drive back home soon after the procedure. The effect of treatment is temporary and repeat treatments are required to maintain the new look. One of the potential complications of the procedure is the temporary paralysis of the muscles that move the lips.

What are the benefits of slim jaw treatments?

The benefits of slim jaw treatments are personal and can be extremely helpful if you are unhappy with a protruding jaw or a masculine face. Patients undergoing slim jaw treatments may also be benefited psychologically with improved self-esteem and confidence with their new look.